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36th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2022 ; : 143-152, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2079065


The COVID-19 pandemics forced classroom activities to be moved to an online setting. This sudden transition to emergency online teaching brought negative impacts to students worldwide, who had a significant decrease in aspects such as motivation, self-efficacy, and cognitive engagement. Social aspects were also affected due to a lack of classroom socialization, with almost no interaction with teachers or colleagues. Experimental approaches attempting to engage students have been explored to minimize these negative impacts. We report our experience of conducting an activity with that objective, involving two cohorts of students in their first semester of a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems. They have never had any face-to-face contact and started their course under this emergency remote teaching format. We chose to use a playful approach to teach Scrum, an agile method of iterative and incremental product delivery that uses frequent feedback and collaborative decision making. Our goal was twofold: (1) teaching Scrum through a playful approach and (2) stimulating students to interact and socialize among themselves and with the teacher. Based on our previous classroom practice of adopting Lego4Scrum, a widespread method for Scrum training that uses LEGO®bricks, we adapted it to use an online whiteboard (Miro) with the support of a communication tool (Discord) for teams. We conducted pre-and post-activity surveys in combination with an open-ended questionnaire that helped us to have a snapshot of the students understanding of the main concepts presented in the activity. We also performed interviews with some students after the activity to understand their perception and the social impact it had. © 2022 ACM.

International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology ; 10(4):773-794, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2057168


The present study aims to understand how the professional vision of prospective teachers (PTs) regarding whole-class reflective discussion develops as they explore a multimedia case (MC) in a mathematics teacher education course. The data come from the written productions of seven groups of PTs (N=15) related to whole-class discussion of one 6th grade lesson in two sections of the MC: first, they have focused on the teacher’s lesson plan and on her intentions for the whole-class discussion aiming at the students’ algebraic thinking;and in the second, they have analysed two video episodes of that lesson phase. The results show an integrated development of two processes of PTs’ professional vision – noticed events and the nature of the reasoning about them – with significant evolution from one section to another as they explore the MC. The study shows PTs’ alternative ways of accessing and making sense of the complexity of both ambitious and authentic teaching practices that can also be employed in at distance teacher education and mitigate the consequences of the impossibility to access the classrooms, such as that resulting from the recent COVID-19 pandemic. © 2022 International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI) ; 2021.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1978402


This paper focuses on designing a CI decision support to address rare events such as disease outbreaks in a 'closed' environment such as a cruise ship. We focus on a case study of the COVID-19 outbreak that happened on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship in 2020. It considers a graphical probabilistic model such as Bayesian Network. We consider this causal model to be a core of an intelligent decision support tool to help in emergency management. To prove this hypothesis, the prototype of a decision support tool was implemented and used to evaluate different scenarios. The results show that such system equipped with a reasoning engine is capable of evaluating the pandemic scenario risks, thus helping assess the impacts of certain preventive measures, and damages.

27th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2022 ; 2:591-592, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1962399


We present an approach for teaching introductory Scrum concepts through a playful online collaborative activity. It was conducted with 1st-semester students who never had any in-person contact and started their course under emergency online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. We adapted the Lego4Scrum approach and instead of plastic bricks, we combined an online whiteboard (Miro) with a communication tool (Discord) for teams. © 2022 Owner/Author.

2022 International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology, IWAIT 2022 ; 12177, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1901890


Video coding technology and standards have largely shaped the current world in many domains, notably personal communications and entertainment, as demonstrated during recent COVID-19 times. AI-based multimedia tools already have a major impact in many computer vision tasks, even reaching above human performance, and are now arriving to multimedia coding. In this context, this paper offers one of the first extensive benchmarking of deep learning-based video coding solutions regarding the most powerful and optimized conventional video coding standard, the Versatile Video Coding standard, under the solid, meaningful, and extensive JVET common test conditions. This study will allow the video coding research community to know the current status quo in this emerging ‘battle’ between learning-based and conventional video coding solutions and better design future developments. © 2022 SPIE.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S533, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859745


Mulher de 68 anos, hipotireoidea, em uso de levotiroxina, COVID confirmado em exame realizado há 3 dias;deu entrada no pronto atendimento de um hospital de grande porte devido a piora dos sintomas gripais, febre, astenia e dispneia aos esforços com piora progressiva. Apresentava palidez discreta, sem outros achados dignos de nota. À admissão, apresentou leucocitose (Gl 18900/mm³) com desvio à esquerda sem anemia (Hb 13.1 g/dL) ou monocitose, associada a trombocitopenia moderada (98000/mm³). Tomografia de tórax mostrou infiltrado difuso sugestivo de pneumonia por Covid-19. Iniciada dexametasona 6mg/dia e antibioticoterapia empírica (ceftriaxona e azitromicina). Após 3 dias de internação, manteve febre;solicitadas hemoculturas e escalonada antibioticoterapia para Piperacilina-tazobactam. Evoluiu com anemia normocítica e normocrômica discreta (Hb 11.8g/dL), trombocitopenia leve (132000/mm³) e piora de leucocitose (16600/mm³), monocitose (4628/mm³) e surgimento de blastos em hemograma. As hemoculturas fecharam negativas. Devido à piora da leucocitose (Gl 46700/mm³) e da monócitos (9807/mm³) foi solicitada avaliação hematológica;realizada hematoscopia, que evidenciou alterações displásicas nas três séries. Realizada imunofenotipagem de sangue periférico, que mostrou presença de 15,8% de blastos mielóides, CD14- e CD16-, sem basofilia, com desvio à esquerda até promielócitos. Estudo medular inicial foi inconclusivo, com hiperplasia granulocítica e megacariocítica. Após 7 dias de antibioticoterapia, optado por alta hospitalar com proposta de acompanhamento ambulatorial, uma vez que a paciente manteve estabilidade clínica. No seguimento, evoluiu com queixa de astenia;novo hemograma mostrou piora da anemia e da trombocitopenia, assim como piora da leucocitose. Novo estudo medular realizado, com pesquisa da translocação BCR-ABL, mutaçõesJAK2, CALR, MPL e pesquisa de sideroblastos em anel, todos negativos. No mielograma, encontrado hipercelularidade granulocítica com maturação normoblástica, monocitose (13,2%), aumento do blastos(15.4%) e de megacariócitos displásicos. Cariótipo 46, XX, del (20) (q13.1). Biópsia de medula óssea com hiperplasia granulocítica e ausência de fibrose. Diante do exposto, foi feito o diagnóstico de Leucemia mielomonocítica crônica (LMMC-2). Realizado tratamento com azacitidina por 5 ciclos, mantendo leucocitose. No momento, aguardando transplante de medula óssea alogênico. Discussão: A LMMC é uma neoplasia hematológica mieloide com características de ambas as síndromes mielodisplásicas (SMD) e neoplasia mieloproliferativa (NMP), com até um quinto dos casos relacionados a condições inflamatórias/auto-imunes, conforme ilustrado neste caso, onde o seguimento é necessário para o diagnóstico. Trata-se de doença rara, predominante em idosos do sexo masculino. A apresentação varia conforme características mielodisplásicas ou mieloproliferativas, podendo se apresentar como monocitose incidental em indivíduos assintomáticos. Para o diagnóstico, é necessária a exclusão das doenças mieloproliferativas crônicas e de causas reativas, obedecendo os critérios da OMS de 2016. O tratamento varia conforme estratificação de risco e características clínico-laboratoriais mieloproliferativas/mielodisplásicas, com uso de terapia citorredutora ou hipometilante, respectivamente. O transplante alogênico de medula óssea é a única alternativa curativa disponível no momento, no entanto muitos candidatos não são elegíveis devido suas comorbidades.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S517-S518, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859718


Instituição: Hospital Felício Rocho (HFR). Objetivos: Descrever o caso de uma paciente jovem que desenvolveu trombocitemia-trombotica induzida por vacina pós uso de Ad26.COV2.S, popularmente conhecida como vacina Janssen. Material e métodos: Estudo de prontuário médico. Discussão: Trata-se de paciente, 37 anos, atendida pela cardiologia no pronto atendimento (PA) do Hospital Felicio Rocho (HFR) em Belo Horizonte-MG, na noite do dia 03/08/2021, com queixa de cefaleia intensa, holocraniana, associada a náuseas e vômitos, sem melhora ao uso de analgésicos simples ou anti-inflamatórios não estereoidais, que evoluiu com dor torácica ventilatório-dependente, sem dispneia, dessaturação, ou sintomas gripais. Não apresentava ao exame físico déficits neurológicos. Como história pregressa afirmava quadro de tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) ocorrido em 2014, quando fez uso de Marevan® por três anos (abandonou tratamento sem orientação médica) e vacinação recente, em 27/07/2021, contra COVID19, com Ad26.COV2.S, popularmente conhecida como vacina Janssen. Foi acompanhada por hematologista após ocorrência do primeiro TEP para investigação de trombofilias quando foi constatado presença de mutação heterozigota de gene da metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase. Como fator de risco prévio apresentava apenas o uso de contraceptivo hormonal combinado. Ainda no PA foram realizadas tomografia (TC) e angiotomografia (ATC) de crânio e tórax, além de exames laboratoriais. Ao hemograma, paciente apresentava plaquetopenia (50 × 10³mm³). Os exames de imagem mostraram ausência de trombose cerebral, e falha de enchimento luminal em ramos lobar e segmentar para o lobo pulmonar inferior direito, compatível com TEP. Paciente foi internada para anticoagulação terapêutica com Enoxaparina 1 mg/Kg BID, que posteriormente foi substituído por Apixabana 10mg BID. Foi solicitado anticorpo anti-heparina(PF4) sob a hipótese de trombocitemia-trombotica induzida por vacina, já descrita em literatura como evento adverso grave e raro, secundário ao uso de vacina anti-COVID 19, mais comum ao uso de ChAdOx1 n CoV-19 (Astrazenica), mas também relatada após o uso de Ad26.COV2.S (Janssen). Paciente evoluiu diariamente com piora da plaquetopenia, chegando a 22 × 10³mm³no segundo dia de internação, quando optou-se por suspensão da anticoagulação e tratamento empírico com imunoglobulina humana IgG, na dose de 1 mg/Kg/dose 24/24h, duas doses. Após administração da primeira dose, houve ainda queda do nível de plaquetas, 10x10³mm³. Horas após a administração da segunda dose, paciente evoluiu com novo episódio de cefaleia, seguido de déficits motores focais. TC de crânio realizada mostrou áreas de hemorragia parenquimatosa, e ATC de crânio mostrou presença de extensa trombose de seio sagital superior e do seio transverso. Nas 24h que se seguiram, evoluiu com herniação de uncos, pupilas midriáticas fixas e ausência de reflexos neurológicos. Foi suspensa sedação e instituído protocolo de morte encefálica, confirmado 48h após. Aguardamos resultado do Anti-PF4 com previsão de resultado no dia 30/08/2021.

Urdimento-Revista De Estudos Em Artes Cenicas ; 3(42):22, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1698757


The notions of immersion theatre, intimate scene, neo-technological theater and audio-theater permeate a path in research and university extension that started before, but continued during the Covid-19 pandemic. The intimate scene is a scenic format that favors the encounter, sensory immersion and processes of disorientation regarding space, time and presence. The measures of social isolation and the implementation of remote emergency academic activities led to a specific context of creative experimentation, in which elements of the intimate scenic format were reinterpreted based on the limitations and potential of telematic and virtual presences. Despite the distinctions between theatrical experiences (in person) and remote artistic experiences, technological mediations are adopted in this project as devices to imagine a possible remote intimate scene and produce multiple records of the creative process.

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences ; 16(5):2402-2411, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1538947


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on education, he transformation of didactics and technological methods was necessary to promote students’ self-learning and motivation, alongside teachers’ tutoring, guiding students’ academic journey. This paper aims to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on digitalization accounting in higher education and explores the students’ perception of the adapted hybrid model. The study follows a qualitative approach and rely on the final-year students of the accounting and management degree of Accounting and Business of Porto Polytechnic School. Data were collected through a questionnaire from students who experienced both distance and face-to-face education and completed the course of Management Simulation. The study highlights the digitalization of accounting teaching and the pandemic’s effect on the future of digital accounting education. In sum, the hybrid model meets the needs of this practical course and can be a model to be applied in the future. ©2021 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.

Radiotherapy and Oncology ; 161:S1198-S1199, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1492816


Purpose or Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic brought several challenges to cancer practice, especially to ensure continuity of treatment during this period, minimizing the risks of transmission to a vulnerable population. For Radiation Oncology departments in Brazil, this contingency has become even more complex due to the significant impact observed in different sectors of society, the large number of cases and deaths by COVID-19. This study estimated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Brazilian Radiation Oncology departments and the coping measures used in the country. Materials and Methods: The Brazilian Radiotherapy Society (SBRT) developed a questionnaire with 14 questions, sent to all heads of Radiation Oncology departments in the country, between May and June 2020. These data were evaluated regarding cases confirmed and deaths by COVID-19 in epidemiological week 28, on July 11, 2020. Results: One hundred twenty-six questionnaires from different regions were answered, representing 44% of the country’s services. A drop in the number of patients was observed in 61% of services. This drop was observed both in patients from the public and supplementary private health insurance systems. Regarding patients and employees with COVID-19, we observe that services that primarily treat SUS patients reported significantly fewer cases of the disease. About half of the services had collaborators and patients during radiotherapy with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. Among the coping measures, the services used intensified hygiene and cleanliness, distance, restrictions on access to companions, and other changes in daily practice. (Figure Presented) Conclusion: There was an important drop in the number of radiotherapy patients in the country during the pandemic, and this impact happened in a similar way among the services, regardless of their characteristics and coping measures adopted during the pandemic.

Medicina Balear ; 36(3):40-44, 2021.
Article in Spanish | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1444036


Introduction: SARS-Cov-2 is the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic that has ravaged the world since the end of 2019, having its origin in Wuhan. The clinical picture includes a multitude of symptoms although the most frequent are fever, dry cough and shortness of breath, and has as main complications pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome or sepsis. Material and methods: A survey was made of 1296 users (teachers, students and patients of the dental clinic) of the ADEMA University School who were asked about symptoms compatible with COVID in the previous two weeks, about situations of risk of contagion and about knowledge of the protocol drawn up by the educational center. Results: More than 99% of respondents had not had symptoms compatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the two weeks prior to completing the survey. A similar percentage have complied with the rules established by the health authorities regarding the use of masks and have not been in contact or living with persons suspected or diagnosed with COVID. Less than 1% are awaiting diagnostic test results and 40.9% of respondents confirm that they have read the protocol developed by ADEMA for the pandemic. Conclusions: The number of ADEMA University School users who have presented symptoms or have been exposed to risk situations is very low, less than 1%, while the percentage of those who confirm having read the protocols elaborated for this pandemic is very low, barely 40%.

Holos ; 37(4):22, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1374692


SARS-CoV-2 is the agent causing of COVID-19 and has become the world's largest public health emergency. Initially it was treated as a pneumonia because it affected the lungs of infected individuals, however, with the advance of knowledge about the disease, other pathophysiological manifestations in different organs were noticed and as the studies advance, other conditions are registered. The present study aims to describe the extrapulmonary manifestation of COVID-19, covering different locations such as the stomatognathic system, renal, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is an integrative literature review, carried out in the MEDLINE / pubmed, LILACS and Google Scholar databases, using the descriptors: "Coronavirus Infections", "Cardiovascular System", "Oral Manifestations", "Urinary Tract", " Digestive System Abnormalities "and" Neurologic Manifestations". After applying the inclusion criteria, the search resulted in 31 articles included. Studies have shown that the infection of human cells occurs via the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), and this is a possible explanation for the fact that this virus affect several systems. After analyzing the studies, it is clear that the virus can prove complications such as arrhythmias, heart failure, oral ulcerations, proteinuria, renal dysfunction, encephalopathy, stroke, Guillan-Barre syndrome, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, liver and pancreatic complications. It is necessary that the healthcare team is able to notice signs and symptoms beyond the respiratory tract, since they can be severe and thus guarantee better health care for patients .

2021 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2021 ; : 142-151, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1367241


This paper demonstrates the usability of thermal video for facial mask detection and the breathing rate measurement. Due to the lack of available thermal masked face images, we developed a dataset based on the SpeakingFaces set, by generating masks for the unmasked thermal images of faces. We utilize the Cascade R-CNN as the thermal facial mask detector, identifying masked and unmasked faces, and whether the mask colour indicates a inhale or exhale state. The latter is used to calculate the breathing rate. The proposed Cascade R-CNN is a multi-stage object detection architecture composed of detectors trained with increasing Intersection-of-Unions thresholds. In our experiments on the Thermal-Mask dataset, the Cascade R-CNN achieves 99.7% in precision, on average, for the masked face detection, and 91.1% for recall. To validate our approach, we also recorded a small set of videos with masked faces to measure the breathing rate. The accuracy result of 91.95% showed a promising advance in identifying possible breath abnormalities using thermal videos, which may be useful in screening subject for COVID-19 symptoms. © 2021 IEEE.

Palliative Care and Social Practice ; 15:30, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1255891


Background: Our Palliative Care Team (PCT) promotes integrated care between the hospital and home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, between the March 23 and May 2, the government declared a state of emergency. Aims: To analyse how the emergency period affected the performance of the team. Methods: Retrospective study comparing the delivery of care in hospital and at home during the emergency period and similar period in 2019. Statistical analysis used the SPSS programme, version 20. Results: In 2020, there were 96 attended patients (31 in-hospital and 65 domiciliary). In 2019, 100 patients were attended to (43 in-hospital and 57 domiciliary). Results comparing 2019 to 2010: In hospital, the average patient's age and the waiting time was similar (70.3 vs 70.6, P = .944;1.49 vs1.35 respectively, P = .73). Fewer women were attended (46.5% vs 25.8%, P = .057). The main causes for referral were pain and guidance of care (23% & 46.5% vs 12% & 67%). Most had oncological diseases (76.7% vs 83.9%, P = .32). Family conferences were similar (62.8% vs 64.5%, P = .53), although only 25% were face-to-face in 2020 (P = .001). There are more teleconsultations (0% vs 32%, P = .001) and psychological support (23% vs 51.6%, P = .012). The change in rate of hospital deaths was not significant (48.8% vs 61%, P = .205). In domiciliary care, patient's average age was similar (75 vs 74, P = .595) with no difference in gender (P = .289). The main disease remains oncological (63.2% vs 66.2%, P = .438). Teleconsultations increased (0% vs 27.7%, P = .003) and there was a reduction in face-to-face consultations (47.4% vs16.9%, P = .028). Mortality rate was similar (15.8% vs 18.5%, P = .812), but deaths at home decreased (66.7% vs 50%, P = .66). The psychological support was similar (15.8% vs 12.3%, P = .885). Conclusion: The way of delivering care was modified mainly by the use of electronic communication, but did not have implications in the type or the number of patients attended.

Palliative Care and Social Practice ; 15:29-30, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1255890


Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, between March 23 and May 2, the government declared a state of emergency. To adjust the response to the expected incremental demand, our Palliative Care Team (PCT) adopted various policies. The PCT works in a suburban acute care hospital with 360 beds. It is the primary hospital for around 180,000 people, and it is the secondary reference for 300,000 people. During this period, one of the main problems was the lack of health care professionals, as they were infected by the virus or because their primary focus was with COVID-19 patients. Another problem was the necessary use of personal protecting equipment and the need to avoid dissemination of the virus. Therefore, direct patient evaluation has decreased. Regarding the necessary deliver of palliative care the team has assessed and provided for the extra need of drugs and materials, provided electronic devices as an alternative method of communication, established protocols regarding prevalent symptoms, referenced a palliative care professional in the COVID wards, provided psychological support to all patients and families and provided 24-h palliative care consultation. Aims: The aim of this work is to analyse how hospital doctors evaluated the support of the PCT. Methods: Delivered an online survey to doctors working in the wards of the medical department, questioning: the PCT protocols and if they have used it, the 24-h support of the PCT and if they have used it and how they evaluate the PCT performance. Results: The survey was delivered to 80 doctors with 19 responses. Most doctors worked directly with COVID-19 patients. About 64.7% of respondents have acknowledged the protocols and 63.6% used it;81.8% considered the protocols useful. Concerning the 24-h support, 53.8% knew about it and 30.8% used it. About 84.6% considered the performance of the PCT greater than 7/10. Conclusion: During the emergency pandemic period, the policies adopted by the PCT seem successful.

Medicina Balear ; 35(4):74-77, 2020.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1083627


The outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has had a direct impact on the global health system, causing an alarming shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Recent studies have shown that a significant number of healthcare professionals have been contaminated by the COVID-19 at their workplace due to the lack of appropriate PPE. Consequently, the PEE requirements have changed, making the use of filtering face-piece respirators (FFR) N95 and NK95 (FFP2 or FFP3, respectively) mandatory in place of the surgical masks previously used by healthcare professionals. Applying individualized face-seal devices in surgical masks, such as a thermoplastic resin ring, may significantly avoid inhalation of unfiltered air. Besides reducing leakage around the mask, which could convert surgical masks into PPE dual masks due to the high percentage of face-seal, it would allow a bidirectional protection for both healthcare professionals and patients, thus becoming a medical device. The polylactic acid (corn starch) thermoplastic resin ring is the device proposed here to be used in order to decrease leakage of potentially contaminated air. The use of poly lactic acid is of particular interest due to the fact that is a material appropriate for sanitary use, reusable and biodegradable. Therefore, healthcare professionals and organizations can maintain clinical activity in a cost-efficient manner whilst improving clinical safety.

Adolescencia e Saude ; 17(3):105-110, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1074038


Objective: Analyze the occurrence of signs and symptoms of COVID-19 in patients up to 18 years of age. Data sources: A systematic review was carried out. Information was collected from the PubMed and ACM Digital Library databases, using descriptors (in English and Portuguese) such as children, adolescents, COVID-19, signs and symptoms. Search filters were applied: articles published within 7 months prior to the search date, descriptors present only in the title or abstract. Data synthesis: According to the articles studied, asymptomatology is notorious in children and adolescents. Regarding the clinical manifestations, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 infection, in pediatrics there is a predominance of fever, headache and fatigue (non-specific symptoms);cough, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion and odynophagia (respiratory symptoms);diarrhea and vomiting (gastrointestinal symptoms). There are also reports of other symptoms and dermatological manifestations. Conclusion: It is evident that, as it is recent, there is still little information about the clinical manifestations of COVID-19, especially in pediatrics, in which there is still a limited number of studies. However, it was possible to notice that most children and adolescents are asymptomatic and the most recurrent manifestations are fever and cough. © 2020, Nucleo de Estudos da Saude do Adolescente. All rights reserved.

Non-conventional | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1410822


OBJECTIVE: To reflect about the do-not-resuscitation order at COVID-19 in Brazil, under bioethical focus and medical and nursing professional ethics. METHOD: Reflection study based on the principlist bioethics of Beauchamps and Childress and in professional ethics, problematizing actions, and decisions of non-resuscitation in the pandemic. RESULTS: It is important to consider the patient's clinic, appropriation of treatment goals for people with comorbidities, elderly people, with less chance of surviving to resuscitation, or less quality of life, with the palliative care team, to avoid dysthanasia, use of scarce resources and greater exposure of professionals to contamination. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 increased the vulnerabilities of professionals and patients, impacting professional decisions and conduct more widely than important values such as the restriction of freedom. It propelled the population in general to rethink ethical and bioethical values regarding life and death, interfering in decisions about them, supported by human dignity.